
What is Physiotherapy? 

Psychiatry can be described as a diagnosis, treatment and prevention of acute mental disorders. This includes maladaptation of various mood, cognitive and behavioural condition along with other psychological problems. 

What spectrum of health problems are addressed?

Physiotherapy covers a wide spectrum of medical conditions that can arise from as simple as sprained ankles to severe immobility and strokes. The aim of physiotherapy is to diagnose, treat and improve the mobility, balance & strength of patients for relieving them of pain and injuries. Physiotherapy has also proved to be useful in strengthening cardiovascular performance as well.     

When do you need to take up physiotherapy sessions? 

Some of the instances when you should seek physiotherapy are –

  • Suffering from sprained knee or ankle  , Contracted soft tissue damage from accidents , Suffering from Frozen Shoulder or Tennis Elbow (in athletes)  , Suffer from chronic back, shoulder or pelvic aches.


Who is more predisposed to such conditions?

Gender –

Although, there is no concrete evidence, but it is believed that aged female individuals need physiotherapy more than their male counterparts.  

Age –

If there is no instances of traumatic injuries, then age-related immobility (for osteoporosis) commences from 50 and continues to 80 & beyond. 

Inherited traits –

Individuals inheriting diseases like diabetes, heart attack and stroke can avoid unnecessary drug consumption and intrusive procedures by joining physiotherapy sessions.   

Lifestyle –

Lifestyle related disorders like obesity, emotional stress & depression can benefit from physiotherapy. 

Additional complications due to COVID-19

In the light of pandemic and lockdown scenario, the mobility of most geriatrics patients and the middle-aged has decreased to a large extent. Physiotherapy can help you to stay in shape and be free from several health complications that arise from stagnancy.  


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