
What is Counselling?

Counselling is a practice that aims to help an individual deal with personal issues by understanding yourself at a deeper level. Proper counselling can boost your self-esteem, drive away negativities and help you make better life choices. 

What spectrum of health problems are addressed?

Counselling caters to a wide spectrum of conditions that include individuals suffering from acute personal issues that can either self-destructive or to others, people suffering from anxiety disorders and acute bouts of depression, facing hardships & complexities in personal and professional life, grief-stricken individuals who needs consolation and guidance.

Which are the most common symptoms?

Some of the common symptoms of that require counselling may include – 

Changes in appetite, sleeping patterns and physical health  ,  You feel dissatisfied with your life  ,  You have a trauma that you can't get over  ,  You're oversensitive  ,  You're having difficulty regulating your emotions  ,  You no longer enjoy activities you typically did  ,  You're struggling to build and maintain relationships.

Who is more predisposed to such conditions?

Gender –

Both the sex are at risk of requiring counselling session depending on the lifestyle and occupation.   

Age –

There is no such age bar for requiring counselling sessions.  

Lifestyle –

Lifestyle-related stress, problems in personal and conjugal life, suffering from a sudden traumatic experience, etc. can be some reasons one can require counselling sessions.   

Pre-existing conditions –

Childhood trauma, a victim of abuse, suffering from anxiety disorders, chronic depression, nervousness, etc. can invite mental disorders that may require counselling sessions.

 Additional complications due to COVID-19

The Corona outbreak and the nationwide lockdown has driven people into panic and depression. Joining counselling sessions can be a cognitive way of healing the stress-related trauma and emotional complexities.  


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Priya Ray Chaudhuri Ms. Priya Ray Chaudhuri View Counselling ₹1000/-
Ananya Choudhuri Baidya Ms. Ananya Choudhuri Baidya View Counselling ₹700/-