
What is Ophthalmology?

Ophthalmology is the medical branch that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. 

What spectrum of health problems are addressed?

Ophthalmologists diagnose and treat eye disorders and visual discomforts. They take care of cataracts, optic nerve problem, eye infections and such other eye and vision conditions. 

Which are the most common symptoms?

Some of the common symptoms of eye disorders that may require medical attention are –

  • Bulging eyes , Excessive tearing , Seeing coloured circles or halos around lights , Misaligned eyes , Eye injury , Loss of peripheral vision , Sudden vision loss or changes , Eyelid abnormalities or problems , Reduced, distorted, blocked, or double vision , Black specks or strings called floaters in the field of view , Sudden or severe eye pain , Seeing flashes of light , Unexplained eye redness.

Who is more predisposed to such conditions?

Gender –

Women face a higher risk of permanent eye disorder than men.  

Age –

A benchmark of 40 years is set after which individuals are prone to experience difficulty to focus on objects along with an increased chance of other eye diseases. 

Lifestyle –

Longer screen time, lack of proper nutrition and vitamins, a prolonged period of alcohol consumption, eye-hazardous occupation, and such an imbalanced lifestyle may lead to improper vision. 

Inherited traits –

A family history of eye diseases and glaucoma or macular degeneration can lead to inherited eye conditions. 

Pre-existing disorders –

Individuals with diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid conditions, anxiety or depression, medicinal side effects, and HIV are prone to having eye disorders. 

Environmental stress –

Eye injuries, exposure to intense flash or light and other sudden environmental stress can lead to eye disorders. 


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