Coronary Artery Disease - Symptoms and Causes

Major blood vessels supplying oxygen to your heart can get damaged or diseased. This condition is known as coronary artery disease and happens when cholesterol contains deposits in the coronary arteries leading to inflammation. 

The coronary arteries are responsible for supplying oxygen, blood and nutrients to the heart and any build up of plaque can narrow the arteries and decrease blood flow to your heart. This decrease in blood flow can sometimes lead to chest pain (angina), shortness of breath and other symptoms of coronary artery disease. Also, a complete blockage might lead to a fatal heart attack. 

Therefore, it is important to consult cardiologist online free upon noticing the slightest symptoms of CAD or coronary artery disease. As coronary artery disease develops over time one may fail to notice condition before a complete blockage of heart attack. To avoid such situations, it is thus important to keep in constant touch with your cardiologist and share about the problems and symptoms you're experiencing. Discussed below are some important details about coronary artery disease that you should have knowledge of. 

Symptoms of coronary artery disease

Given below are some of the most common symptoms of coronary artery disease that you should keep notice of – 

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Heart attack

Women are more likely to experience less typical symptoms of a heart attack such as job in or neck pain. However, they may experience other significant symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath and nausea. It is important to remember that sometimes heart attacks can occur without any symptoms and hence it is important to discuss your health issues with your doctor on time to avoid such scenarios. 

What causes coronary artery disease?
Some of the leading causes of coronary artery disease are – 

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes or insulin resistance
  • Smoking
  • High cholesterol
  • Inactive or sedentary lifestyle

Once the inner walls of an artery are damaged fatty deposits of cholesterol and other cellular waste tends to collect at the site of injury. One the plaque surface ruptures or breaks, the blood cells or platelets tend to clump together at the site to repair the artery. This clump blocks the artery and leads to a heart attack. 

Who is more at risk? 

The risk factor for coronary artery disease generally includes – 

  • Smoking – Smokers have a higher risk of developing heart diseases. Second hand or passive smokers are also at a risk of coronary artery disease. 
  • Age – With age, people are more likely to suffer from damaged or narrowed arteries. 
  • Sex – Men are more likely to be suffering from coronary artery disease than women. However, upon menopause the risk of coronary artery disease increases for women as well. 
  • Family history – The risk of coronary artery disease or CAD can also be genetic and may be passed on from generation to generation. People having close relation with CAD patience are relatively at a higher risk of developing heart diseases at an early age. 
  • Diabetes – Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of suffering from coronary artery disease. Type 2 diabetes and CAD share similar risk factors such as high blood pressure and obesity. Hence, It is recommended that you opt for the best online doctor consultation to understand your symptoms and seek proper treatment. 
  • Cholesterol – High cholesterol levels increases the chances of formation of plaque leading to artery narrowing and heart attacks. 
  • Stress – High stress also damages your arteries and increases the chances of coronary artery disease. This is why it is important that you keep your stress levels under control and promote mental wellness. 
  • High blood pressure – Uncontrolled blood pressure can harden and thicken your arteries, thus narrowing the channel through which the blood flows, increasing the chances of coronary artery disease. 

In addition to the above, obesity, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity can also increase the chances of coronary artery disease. This is why it is important that you bring in a healthy change in your lifestyle to reduce the risk of such heart disorders. 

Now that you have learnt the essential details about coronary artery disease it is important that you stay in constant touch with your cardiologist. Proper diagnosis and treatment can only be possible if you reach out to your doctor on time. Such diseases can be fatal and hence it is important to not delay a doctor consultation. 

You can opt for online consultations on platforms like Doctor2Care, that offers top cardiologists along with safe and private consultations from anywhere at any time depending on the availability of your doctor. 

Register now and ease your way of doctor consultations. Upon registering you can also enjoy a dedicated cloud storage that can be used to keep track of your medical reports and prescriptions and can be accessed as and when necessary from anywhere at any time. 

So why take up the hassles of visiting a chamber amidst this pandemic scenario? Just register on Doctor2Care and get in touch with the cardiologist conveniently. 

That's all for now! 

Till then, take care.